Mandala of Raktayamari

Mikyo Dorje

Not on view

At the center of this mandala, Raktayamari (Red Yamari) is seen in union with his consort, an emanation of himself. He and his consort trample his enemy Yama, the god of death. Radiating from the central square are four differently colored manifestations of Yamari, also depicted in yab-yum (sexual union). The precision, strong colors, and animated line work suggest the hand of a master painter. An inscription identifies the work as a meditation tangka belonging to Kunga Lekpa, likely depicted at lower left, one of the teachers of the great Tibetan theologian Tsong Khapa (1357–1419). The master painter Mikyo Dorje is known to have been active at this time.

Mandala of Raktayamari, Mikyo Dorje, Distemper on cloth, Central Tibet

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