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100 European Drawings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art

One Hundred European Drawings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Bean, Jacob
222 pages
100 illustrations
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James J. Rorimer

Jacob Bean

List of Abbreviations

Italian Schools
French School
German School
Flemish School
Dutch School
Spanish School
British School


Design Fragment for the Left Side of the 'Fonte Gaia' in Siena, Jacopo della Quercia (Jacopo di Pietro d’Angelo di Guarnieri)  Italian, Pen and medium brown ink, brush and brown wash, over traces of leadpoint and ruling, on vellum, glued onto secondary paper support
Free Copy of Giotto's "Navicella" (recto); Copy of Adam in Masaccio's Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, and other Figure Studies (verso), Parri Spinelli (recto) Italian, Pen and brown ink (recto and verso). glued onto a secondary backing sheet of paper drawn in pen and brown ink, over black chalk
Multiple artists/makers
ca. 1420
Compositional Sketches for the Virgin Adoring the Christ Child, with and without the Infant St. John the Baptist; Diagram of a Perspectival Projection (recto); Slight Doodles (verso), Leonardo da Vinci  Italian, Silverpoint, partly reworked by the artist with pen and dark brown ink on pink prepared paper; lines ruled with metalpoint (recto); pen and brown ink (verso)
Head of a Man in Profile Facing to the Left, Leonardo da Vinci  Italian, Pen and brown ink, over soft black chalk
Allegory on the Fidelity of the Lizard (recto); Design for a Stage Setting (verso), Leonardo da Vinci  Italian, Pen and brown ink (recto and verso)
Standing Youth with Hands Behind His Back, and a Seated Youth Reading (recto); Two Studies of Hands (verso), Filippino Lippi  Italian, Metalpoint, highlighted with white gouache, on pink prepared paper (recto); metalpoint, on pink prepared paper (verso)
Studies of a Seated Youth in Armor, Vittore Carpaccio  Italian, Black chalk, point of brush and gray wash, highlighted with white gouache, on blue paper
ca. 1505
The Angel of the Annunciation (Cartoon for an Embroidery), Raffaellino del Garbo (also known as Raffaelle de' Capponi and Raffaelle de' Carli)  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, highlighted with white gouache, over black chalk on paper washed brown; outlines of design and framing outlines pricked and with traces of rubbed black pouncing dust
Bacchanalian Scene, Amico Aspertini  Italian, Black chalk, highlighted with white, on brown-washed paper
Studies for the Libyan Sibyl (recto); Studies for the Libyan Sibyl and a small Sketch for a Seated Figure (verso), Michelangelo Buonarroti  Italian, Red chalk, with small accents of white chalk on the left shoulder of the figure in the main study (recto); soft black chalk, or less probably charcoal (verso)
ca. 1510–11
Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist; upper left, Study for the Right Arm of the Infant Saint John; upper right, Study for Drapery (recto); Study of a Nude Male Figure (verso), Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)  Italian, Red chalk (recto); pen and brown ink (verso)
ca. 1506–7
Saint Christopher Bearing the Christ Child, Giovanni Antonio da Pordenone (Giovanni Antonio de Sacchis)  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, highlighted with white gouache, on blue paper, squared vertically and horizontally in red chalk, diagonally in charcoal
Seated Sibyl and Attendant Genius (recto); Study of the Head of a Horse in Profile (verso), Pirro Ligorio  Italian, Red chalk on beige paper (recto); pen and brown ink (verso)
ca. 1540
Group of Trees, Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)  Italian, Pen and brown ink, traces of gray printer's ink at lower right, on beige paper
The Adoration of the Magi, Correggio (Antonio Allegri)  Italian, Red chalk, highlighted with white gouache
ca. 1517
Design for the Decoration of a Pilaster (recto); Putti with Trophies and Seated Figure with Child (verso), Giovanni Antonio da Pordenone (Giovanni Antonio de Sacchis)  Italian, Red chalk (recto); red chalk studies (verso)
ca. 1529
The Annunciation, Correggio (Antonio Allegri)  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and gray-brown wash, highlighted with white gouache, squared in red chalk, on paper tinted with reddish wash
ca. 1522–25
Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple (below), Abraham about to Sacrifice Isaac (above), Perino del Vaga (Pietro Buonaccorsi)  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, highlighted with white gouache, squared in black chalk, on brownish paper. The empty triangular corners are tinted in gray-green wash, the right diagonal border tinted in gray wash
The Adoration of the Shepherds, Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola)  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, highlighted with white gouache over traces of black and a little red chalk (at upper left), on brownish paper
Nine Studies of the Moses in Santa Maria della Steccata, Parma (recto); Nine Studies for the Eve in Santa Maria della Steccata, Parma (verso), Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola)  Italian, Pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, over traces of black chalk, on beige paper (recto and verso)
Showing 20 of 99

View Citations

———. 1970b. 19th-Century America: Paintings and Sculpture an Exhibition in Celebration of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, April 16 through September 7, 1970. New York: Distributed by New York Graphic Society.