Pozzi, Federica and Elena Basso. “The Network Initiative for Conservation Science (NICS): a model of collaboration and resource sharing among neighbor museums.” Heritage Science 9, article no. 92 (July 2021).
Pozzi, Federica, Elena Basso, and Reba Snyder. “Color, collation, and curious creatures: a technical study of fifteenth-century block books at The Morgan Library and Museum.” The European Physical Journal Plus 136, article no. 414 (April 2021).
Pozzi, Federica, Elena Basso, Adriana Rizzo, Eva M. Angelin, Costanza Cucci, and Marcello Picollo. “Portable spectroscopy for cultural heritage. Applications and practical challenges.” In Portable Spectroscopy and Spectrometry 2. Applications, Ed. by R. Crocombe, P. Leary, and B. Kammrath, John Wiley & Sons, 2021 (April 2021), 501-524.
Pozzi, Federica, Elena Basso, Samantha Alderson, Judith Levinson, Madeleine Neiman, and Soraya Alcalá. “Aiding the cleaning of four 19th-century Tsimshian house posts: investigation of museum-applied surface coatings and original polychromy.” Heritage Science 9, article no. 42 (April 2021).
Dearteni, Myriam, Elena Basso, and Federica Pozzi. “The Nican Mopohua and the Mexican Codex: history, analysis, and conservation of two treasures from the New World.” In Ink Corrosion - The Missing Links, Ed. G. Boudalis, P. Engel, E. Mousakova, F. Pinzari, J. Schirò, and J. Vodopivec Tomažič, Horn & Vienna, Austria, Berger Publishing, 2021 (March 2021), 179-205.
Basso, Elena, Federica Pozzi, Jessica Keister, and Elizabeth Cronin. “Improved positives and preliminary photographs: a technical study of The New York Public Library’s Arctic Exploration album.” Heritage Science 9, article no. 34 (March 2021).
Pozzi, Federica, Elena Basso, Silvia A. Centeno, Louisa M. Smieska, Nobuko Shibayama, Roy Berns, Megan Fontanella, and Lena Stringari. “Altered identity: fleeting colors and obscured surfaces in Van Gogh’s landscapes in Paris, Arles, and Saint-Rémy.” Heritage Science 9, article no. 15 (February 2021).
Basso, Elena, Federica Pozzi, Julia Day, and Linda Borsch. “Unmasking a wild man: scientific analysis of Bertoldo di Giovanni’s Shield Bearer in The Frick Collection.” Heritage Science 8, article no. 109 (November 2020).
Pozzi, Federica, Elena Basso, and Monica Katz. “In search of Humboldt’s colors: materials and techniques of a 17th-century lacquered gourd from Colombia.” Heritage Science 8, article no. 101 (October 2020).
Pozzi, Federica, Julie Arslanoglu, Francesca Galluzzi, Caroline Tokarski, and Reba Snyder. “Mixing, dipping, and fixing: the experimental drawing techniques of Thomas Gainsborough.” Heritage Science 8, article no. 85 (August 2020).
Basso, Elena, Federica Pozzi, and Matthew C. Reiley. “The Samuel F. B. Morse statue in Central Park: scientific study and laser cleaning of a 19th-century American outdoor bronze monument.” Heritage Science 8, article no. 81 (August 2020).
Pozzi, Federica, Julie Arslanoglu, and Eleonora Nagy. “Alexander Calder’s Half-Circle, Quarter-Circle, and Sphere (1932): a complex history of repainting unraveled.” Heritage Science 8, article no. 79 (August 2020).
Bradley, Lauren, Jessica Ford, Dawn Kriss, Victoria Schussler, Federica Pozzi, Elena Basso, and Lisa Bruno. “Evaluating multiband reflectance image subtraction for the characterization of indigo in Romano-Egyptian funerary portraits.” In Mummy Portraits of Roman Egypt: Emerging Research from the APPEAR Project, Eds. M. Svoboda and C. R. Cartwright, Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, 2020.
Pozzi, Federica, Elena Basso, Adriana Rizzo, Anna Cesaratto, and Thomas J. Tague, Jr. “Evaluation and optimization of the potential of a handheld Raman spectrometer: in situ, noninvasive materials characterization in artworks.” Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 50, no. 6 (March 2019): 861-872.
Pozzi, Federica, Julie Arslanoglu, Anna Cesaratto, and Matthew Skopek. “How do you say “Bocour” in French? The work of Carmen Herrera and solvent-based acrylic paints in post-war Europe.” Journal of Cultural Heritage 35 (February 2018): 209-217.
McMillan, Gillian and Federica Pozzi. “Édouard Manet: Woman in Striped Dress.” In Thannhauser Collection: French Modernism at the Guggenheim, edited by Megan Fontanella, New York: Guggenheim Museum Publications, 2018, 108-110.
E. Basso, F. Pozzi, E. Cronin, J. Keister, Preliminary Photographs and Improved Positives: Discovering The New York Public Library’s Arctic Exploration Album.
F. Galluzzi, J. Arslanoglu, C. Rawlins, S. Claverol, F. Pozzi, R. F. Snyder, C. Tokarski, Trace level top down proteomics analysis: application to the study of Gainsborough drawings.
J. Keister, E. Cronin, F. Pozzi, E. Basso, There is nothing like a photograph: improved positives in the New York Public Library’s Arctic exploration album.
F. Pozzi, Potentialities and challenges of non-invasive analysis: when less is more (and when it’s not) in conservation science.
M. Dearteni, E. Basso, F. Pozzi, The Nican Mopohua and the Mexican Codex in the new world: history, analysis, and conservation.
F. Pozzi, E. Basso, J. Arslanoglu, F. Galluzzi, C. Tokarski, M. Fredericks, F. Trujillo, Coptic manuscripts at The Morgan Library & Museum: revealing the impact of conservation treatments by LC/MS.
F. Galluzzi, C. Rawlins, S. Claverol, F. Pozzi, M. Fredericks, F. Trujillo, C. Tokarski, New molecular evidence of restoration treatments applied to historic Coptic manuscripts using protein crosslinking and top down proteomics.
E. Basso, F. Pozzi, J. Day, Revealing the metal craft of Bertoldo di Giovanni through the scientific analysis of The Frick Collection's Shield Bearer.
F. Galluzzi, J. Arslanoglu, S. Claverol, F. Pozzi, M. Fredericks, F. Trujillo, C. Tokarski, Study of protein crosslinking using high resolution mass spectrometry: molecular evidence of restoration treatments applied to historic manuscripts.
F. Pozzi, E. Basso, M. Fredericks, F. Trujillo, M. Delidow, L. Bradley, J. Ford, V. Schussler, Overview of applications of a handheld Raman spectrometer: non-invasive characterization of dyes, pigments, and plastics in artworks across New York City museums' collections.
R. Sabino, K. Sutherland, F. Pozzi, Towards a new nomenclature: challenges in the characterization and categorization of binding media in mummy portraits.
L. Bradley, J. Ford, D. Kriss, V. Schussler, F. Pozzi, E. Basso, L. Bruno, Evaluating multiband reflectance image subtraction for the characterization of indigo in Romano-Egyptian funerary portraits.
F. Pozzi, Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for the identification of textile dyes.
F. Pozzi, A. Cesaratto, P. Londero, M. Leona, A decade of colorful research at The Met: trends, applications, and challenges of SERS for the characterization of organic colorants in artworks (Plenary Lecture).
A. Cesaratto, F. Pozzi, A. Odate, A. Martins, Comparison of handheld and micro-Raman instrumentation for pigment identification in the gouaches used by Henri Matisse.
F. Pozzi, A. Cesaratto, J. Arslanoglu, M. Skopek, To be, or not to be (an acrylic)? Unraveling binding media in paintings by Carmen Herrera dated to 1948–1952.
A. Martins, K. Buchberg, C. McGlinchey, A. Cesaratto, M. Leona, A. Odate, Pigment identification in historical samples of Matisse cut-outs.