Glass amphora (two-handled bottle)
Not on view
Colorless with pale green tinge; handles and trails in same color.
Rounded rim, folded out, over, and in; flaring mouth; cylindrical neck, expanding downwards; sloping shoulder; piriform body, tapering downwards; integral, tubular base ring; pushed-in bottom with off-center pontil scar; handles applied in a tooled pad to shoulder, drawn up vertically, turned in and down at an acute angle, and trailed onto neck.
Trails applied to body in six pairs of wavy vertical lines and one extra single line, forming irregular X-shaped patterns; fire-rounded but in relief on both exterior and interior.
Badly broken and cracked around neck and upper body, with one large hole; few pinprick bubbles; dulling, slight pitting, and iridescent weathering, with small patches of limy encrustation on interior.