Dado Panel
This cast was taken from a rectangular panel excavated at Nishapur from a mound known as Sabz Pushan (the Green Covered). Excavations at Sabz Pushan revealed part of a residential neighborhood with several houses and an alleyway. This piece was found in an iwan, or covered room opening onto a courtyard, richly decorated with carved panels and wall paintings. This iwan may have been part of a private house, but the presence of a mihrab (prayer niche) suggests that it could have also served as a small neighborhood mosque. Other carved panels found in the same iwan include MMA 37.40.40, 37.40.45, 37.40.46 and 37.40.47.
This panel specifically decorated the mihrab mentioned above, where it formed its base. In addition to its beautifully carved design of wing-like leaves set in opposition, the blank frame surrounding it was originally painted in yellow. Above this panel rose the niche itself, made of smoothed white stucco with a design painted in black.
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