Clarinet in C
Josef Karl Anton "Charles" Felchlin Swiss
Not on view
The stamp on this instrument was – according to Langwill/Waterhouse – used by Josef Karl Anton Felchlin (born ?Schwyz 18 February 1800; died ?Bern 1855). He had a workshop in Bern between ca. 1836 and 1855.
Overall size: 591
Bore: c-hole 13.8; f-hole 13.8
Conical part: 155
Technical description: Varnished boxwood (?) with ivory ferrules and silver keys. Six pieces: mouthpiece, barrel, upper section, middle section for the fingers of the right hand, lower section with keys, bell. Ebony mouthpiece grooved for cord. Slightly bulbous barrel. Square wooden rings. Speaker liner projects almost to the centre of the bore. Keys for E♭4/B♭5, C♯4/G♯5 and B♭3/F♮5 probably a later addition. Some remains of black colour on the keys indicate that the keys were also varnished black. Levers for L4, tone-hole and key for R4 mounted in a fusiform swelling. Straight F♯3/C♯5 lever without a guidance. Crude instrument that tries to look better than it is.
L0: T; speaker.
L1: T; throat A♮.
L2: T.
L3: T; E♭4/B♭5.
L4: C♯4/G♯5; E3/B♮4; F♯3/C♯5.
R1: T.
R2: T.
R3: T; B♭3/F♮5.
R4: T; G♯3/E♭5.
Keyhead type: flat square.
Keymount type: turned wooden rings, swelling, screwed-in pillars.
Inscribed on all pieces except for unstamped mouthpiece: star / lyre / "FELCHLIN / A BERNE" / star / "C". Inscription on bell hardly readable.
(Heike Fricke, 2014)
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