Grand Piano
Enrico Gustadt Italian
Not on view
This instrument is a rare eighteenth century pianoforte made in Italy following the style of Johann Andreas Stein of Augsburg.
Technical description: Mahogany veneer over softwood and beech with veneered panels bordered by crossbanded veneer of contrasting color and black-and-white geometric inlay; nameboard and inner edge of angled cheeks inlaid with quarter-round bead of alternating sections of ivory and ebony; four turned and fluted mahogany legs; compass FF-f3 (61 keys); ivory naturals, ebony slips over black-stained accidental blocks; one knee lever (left side) operating dampers, modern chromed zither tuning pins; veneered wrestplank, German action with escapement, no back check, much restored; keyframe not placed over a sled, but lifted at the rear by wedges glued against belly rail; rack over strings supporting damper jacks bearing felt-lined blocks; lowest 40 notes double-strung, remainder triple-strung, none wound (recent strings).