Toilet vase
Late Middle Kingdom
A pit in the portico of the rock- cut tomb MMA 840 in the Asasif area of the Theban necropolis contained the remains of a coffin, a group of fine jewelry and two toilet vessels (13.180.1-13.180.3; 13.180.4a–i; 13.180.5a, b; 13.180.6-13.180.11; 13.180.19a–c; 13.180.20). The dates of these objects range from the late Middle Kingdom (ca. 1850-1700 B. C.) through the Second Intermediate Period (ca. 1700-1550 B. C.). Similarly shaped stone vessels to this one (see for instance 10.176.46, 11.150.29, 25.2.6a, b) and pottery jars (see for instance 32.3.213) appear to date this vessel to the latter era.