Seated Mitry with echelonned wig
Old Kingdom
Mitry (previously read as Merti) was a high official and provincial governor. Eleven exceptionally large wooden statues were found in the serdab (statue chamber) of his tomb. Five are in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (26.2.2 - 26.2.6); five, including two wooden scribes, are in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo; and one is in the Medlhavsmuseet, Stockholm.
Most of these statues represent Mitry in various aspects of his life and career, denoted by changes in wigs and garments. Surprisingly, three statues of women were also present, each in a different wig.
Mitry is shown here seated and in a short wig with carefully arranged overlapping curls, and short kilt; the paint indicating his broad collar is well-preserved.