Inscription: Signed and dated (lower left): Philip Guston '68
the artist, Woodstock, N. Y. (1968–d. 1980); his widow, Musa Guston, Woodstock, N. Y. (1980–d. 1992); their daughter, Musa Guston Mayer, New York (from 1992; her promised gift to MMA)
Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Schick Art Gallery, Skidmore College. "Philip Guston: Early and Late Works," October 15–November 15, 1987, no. 6-D (lent by the estate of Philip Guston, courtesy David McKee Gallery, New York).
Bilbao. Sala Rekalde. "Philip Guston: La Raiz del Dibujo / Roots of Drawing," May 11–June 30, 1993, no. 69 (as "Libro y carboncillos [Book & Charcoal Sticks]").
Tahíche, Canary Islands. Fundación César Manrique. "Linea y Poesia: Philip Guston/Musa McKim," June 25–September 27, 1998.
New York. McKee Gallery. "Philip Guston: Mind and Matter," November 11, 2003–January 10, 2004.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. "Philip Guston Now," May 1–September 11, 2022, unnumbered cat. (pl. 74; lent by a private collection).
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. "Philip Guston Now," October 23, 2022–January 15, 2023, unnumbered cat.
Washington, D.C. National Gallery of Art. "Philip Guston Now," March 2–August 27, 2023, unnumbered cat.
Kosme Maria de Barañano inPhilip Guston: La Raiz del Dibujo/Roots of Drawing. Ed. Kosme Maria de Barañano. Exh. cat., Sala Rekalde. Bilbao, 1993, pp. 21, 206, no. 69, ill. p. 139 (color).
Renee Conforte McKee. Philip Guston: Mind and Matter. Exh. cat., McKee Gallery. New York, 2004, pp. 8–9, no. 12, ill. pp. 30 (color), 42 (color, installation photo).
Paul Schimmel inPhilip Guston: Painter 1957–1967. Exh. cat., Hauser & Wirth, New York. [New York], 2016.
Debra Bricker Balken inPhilip Guston: Nixon Drawings 1971 & 1975. Ed. Musa Mayer and Sally Radic. Exh. cat., Hauser & Wirth, New York. [Zurich], 2017, p. 197, fig. 11 (color).
Robert Storr. Philip Guston: A Life Spent Painting. London, 2020, no. 302, ill. p. 255 (color).
"Philip Guston Now, First Retrospective in Nearly 20 Years, Opens at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston." October 23, 2022.
Dieter Roelstraete. "Die Angst Vor Der Kunst." Monopol (September 2022), ill. p. 56 (color).
Judy Bolton-Fasman. "The Art and Social Conscience of Jewish Artist Philip Guston." June 28, 2022, ill. (color).
Sebastian Smee. "In Long-Awaited Philip Guston Show, Great Art Comes With a Warning." May 6, 2022, ill. (color).
Ben Street. "The History of Artists' Signatures is a Secret History of Art." September 22, 2023, ill. (color).
Clare Carolin. "Philip Guston: Controversial Delayed Tate Show Asks ‘What Would it be Like to be Evil?’." October 10, 2023, ill. (color).
Philip Guston (American (born Canada), Montreal 1913–1980 Woodstock, New York)
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