Image Reproduction Services
For requests to publish images of works of art in The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collection or images from books in the Museum Libraries' collections, please consult the Image and Data Resources section of The Met’s website.
Researchers visiting Watson Library in person are welcome to use their own cameras and tripods to photograph items from the Libraries’ collection at no cost. Flash and studio lighting are not permitted.
The copyright and permissions policy described below applies to in-person photography.
Requests to create videos of any kind inside Watson Library must be made through The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Communications Office at 212-570-3951 or
Researchers who find scans of materials online via Watson Library's Digital Collections site are welcome to download images using the site's functionality at no cost. Rights information for these materials is expressed in the Copyright Status, Copyright Notice, and Copyright Information fields in the digital object record, and was as accurate as possible as of the time the item was made available online.
The copyright and permissions and credit line policies described below apply to images downloaded from Digital Collections.
You agree to use the following credit line for each image provided to you through Watson Library: “Image provided by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Thomas J. Watson Library."
Images may be used only as authorized by law. Laws or restrictions other than copyright (e.g., rights of privacy or publicity, trademark) may apply. Watson Library can neither grant nor deny permission to copy or publish photographs and other reproductions purchased from this office. We will not investigate or determine the rights status of works; will not conduct copyright research; and do not have additional information regarding copyright beyond what appears in the bibliographic record for a particular item. It is your responsibility to obtain whatever copyright or other permissions that may be required from an artist, their agent, estate or any other third party rights holder.
By accepting or using these reproductions, you agree to indemnify The Metropolitan Museum of Art and hold it harmless against any and all claims, demands and/or actions of any nature, including the expenses thereof, arising as a result of your use of the reproductions. By proceeding with a reproduction request you hereby agree to these terms.
For questions about image reproduction, please contact the Reference Desk at, or (212) 650-2225.