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Cubism in Focus

Scholar and curator Anna Jozefacka discusses an unrealized decorative commission by Pablo Picasso intended for a Brooklyn residence.
Isabelle Qian
October 16, 2023

Braque’s painting marked a critical step in advancing Cubism, but the importance of the metronome has been overlooked.
Lauren Rosati
October 5, 2020

Discover Picasso’s walk through the Jardin des Plantes, and his encounter with Oceanic sculpture at the Musée d’histoire naturelle, that inspired a 1908 painting.
Philippe Peltier and Samuel Bronowski
October 28, 2019

Learn how scholars used analytical imaging and digital manipulation to uncover a hidden drawing behind the many layers of Picasso’s Three Women (1906).
Rachel Mustalish
October 21, 2019

Get a closer look at The Terrace at the Hôtel Mistral and its real-life inspiration, the Grand Hotel Château Fallet.
Rebecca Rabinow
October 14, 2019

Sketches obscured beneath this portrait reveals aspects of the artist’s creative process.
Rachel Mustalish
October 7, 2019

Conservators explain the artist’s process for creating his oil and charcoal painting, Bottle of Marc Vieux.
Isabelle Duvernois
October 29, 2018

A conservator describes the techniques Picasso used to create his ink and charcoal drawing, Standing Woman (1912).
Rachel Mustalish
October 22, 2018

Scholars discovered new aspects of this painting using transmitted light to expose paint layers and density changes in the canvas.
Isabelle Duvernois
October 8, 2018

Learn more about the unique textures and media used in Juan Gris’s papier collé, Book and Glass (1914).
Rachel Mustalish
October 1, 2018