A large measure of the quickly established success of the Vincennes factory was due to the high quality of its porcelain paste, which was extremely white and relatively free of impurities. This bright white ceramic body, often simply decorated with sprays of flowers, was noticeably superior to the production of competing French soft-paste porcelain factories.
The early years of the Vincennes factory were characterized by constant innovation and experimentation, both technical and artistic. New forms were introduced on a yearly basis, and new enamel colors were being developed constantly. The technique of applying gold decoration to the soft-paste body was perfected by the end of 1748, which allows a dating for this vase of about 1749. Louis XV's support was critical to the factory's success; he not only supplied funds but also granted it a monopoly on decorating porcelain with gold—thus providing Vincennes a critical advantage over its French competition.