From Actresses (N276) issued by P. Lorillard Company to promote Climax Cut Plug Tobacco
Issued by P. Lorillard Company American
Not on view
From Actresses (N276) issued by P. Lorillard Company in 1893 to promote Climax Cut Plug brand tobacco. Composite of 10 numbered sepia photographs of actresses. Advertising on back includes two round red LORILLARD'S/ CLIMAX/ PLUG seals. Back: 1760–1893./ Many years before the Declaration of Independence was/ signed; years before the present generation was born, the/ house of LORILLARD was in active existence./ The enterprise, energy and skill that has enabled them/ to keep at the head of the procession for so many years,/ finds its best expression to-day in/ CLIMAX PLUG/ the choicest Chewing Tobacco on the American Market./ Its name indicates it;/ Its make guarantees it; Its use will prove it./ Try it and see. Its sold everywhere and bears a round/ red tin tag, similar to the above reproductions.