Sylvia Gerrish from Actresses (N380) issued by H. Ellis & Co. to promote Recruit Cigarettes
Publisher H. Ellis & Co.
Not on view
From Actresses (N380) issued by H. Ellis & Company. 25 cards in set. Actress pictured on front with card number in white box in large type at top. Name of actress below image. Printed at lower edge on image: RECRUIT CIGARETTES./ NO PAPER/ All Bright, Mild Tobacco. Back: ONE DOLLAR IN CASH./ Our Patrons Our Best Agents./ To secure your help in/ making known the merits/ of our goods, we have de-/termined to make every/ consumer of Recruit/ Cigarettes our agent, and/ make you the following of-/ fer: Any person using the/ Recruit Cigarettes who/ will collect one entire/ series of Photographs,/ numbered from 1 to/ 25, one of which is en-/ closed in this package, and/ will send us the com -/ plete set, stating he has/ used and recommended for/ use to his friends the Re-/ cruit Cigarettes, will re-/ ceive by return mail ONE/ DOLLAR IN CASH./ H. Ellis & Co.,/ 211 N. Sharp St., Baltimore, Md.