Desk or dresser box in book form, painted with the initial "T"
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This box resembles a round-back book with exaggerated beveled boards. The cover is hinged to the box where the cover meets spine. The box is fully painted black, with maroon and gold decorations. The front cover is painted with a complex frame in maroon with a large gold "T" in the center, perpendicular to the spine of the book. Gold-painted details with arrows, lines and varied linear motifs decorate the frame. All edges are painted gold, only the the foredge is painted with decorative scrolling motif in black and maroon. The spine is painted with three maroon panels outlined in gold --a long one in the center and two small ones at top and bottom. The back cover is undecorated and has four brass rounded tacks that keep the box raised. The interior of the box is painted maroon with black along the lip. The inside of the cover has a maroon panel with ovolo corners, surrounded by a black border.-- description by Mindell Dubansky in consultation with Marijn Manuels
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