Gli universali dei belli recami antichi, e moderni, ne i quali un pellegrino ingegno si di huomo come di donna, potra in questa nostra età con l'ago vertuosamente esercitarsi. Non anchora da alcuni altri dati in luce, 1537
Author Nicolò Zoppino Italian
Publisher Ferdinando Ongania
This collection of Venetian lace patterns was originally compiled in the sixteenth century. An early application of printing in Venice, its purpose was for individual use, and it has been reprinted numerous times. The nineteenth-century Venetian publisher and bookseller F. Ongania (1842-1911) printed this fourteen-volume set of plates in 1876. Moore had several books on lace history and patterns in his library. The hybrid nature of Venetian lace, combining European, Byzantine, and “Saracenic” traditions, and the intricate patterns resonate with designs created at Tiffany & Co. under Moore’s direction.
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