The Silkworm Eggs Spread Out On Shelves, Plate 4 from "The Introduction of the Silkworm" [Vermis Sericus]
Karel van Mallery Netherlandish
After Jan van der Straet, called Stradanus Netherlandish
Publisher Philips Galle Netherlandish
Not on view
Fourth plate from the series Vermis Sericus, engraved by Karel van Mallery, after Jan van der Straet, called Stradanus, and published by Philips Galle around 1595. Illustration of women spreading the silkworm eggs out on shelves. In the background on the left two women hang sheets with silk thread to dry. In the foreground on the left a seated woman places the silkworm eggs onto a shelf. In the center various women take the silkworm eggs out of a basket that a little girl holds. On the left several woman carry and place the silk tree branches against the wall.