Capt. Moses E. Newton from Buchner "Police Inspectors & Captains and Chiefs of the Fire Departments" series (N288)
Issued by D. Buchner & Co., New York American
Lithographer Julius Bien American
Not on view
Capt. Moses E. Newton from Buchner "Police Inspectors & Captains and Chiefs of the Fire Departments" series (N288). Issued ca. 1887 by D. Buchner & Co. to promote tobacco products. 97 unnumbered cards. Julius Bien, Sterling & Wemple and other lithographers. Printed on back: WE WILL PACK/ IN EVERY PACKAGE OF/ "ONE OF THE FINEST"/ TOBACCO/ THE PORTRAITS OF THE/ POLICE INSPECTORS, CAPTAINS/ and CHIEFS of the FIRE DEPARTMENTS/ IN UNIFORM./ COPYRIGHTED 1887 JULIUS BIEN & CO. LITH.