Wendingen: Maandblad for Bouwen en Sieren van Architectura et Amicitia (September/October 1927, nrs. 9/10)
Christa Ehrlich Dutch
Not on view
The Dutch periodical Wendingen was dedicated to architecture and related arts, and closely affiliated with the architectural society Amicitia et Architectura. It first appeared in 1918 and publication continued through 1931, with several interruptions. Each issue had a unique cover design by contemporary (graphic) artists, and was dedicated to a specific theme.
This double issue, numbers 9 and 10 of series 8 (1927) is dedicated to Austrian art inspired by an exhibition held in The Netherlands. Notably, there is only one essay in this issue, which is accompanied by many more pages of illustrations of objects that were presumably exhibited in the exhibition. The front and back cover illustrations for this issue were based on a drawing by the Austrian-born artist Christa Ehrlich.