Broadway from 349 to 405
Publisher Tallis & Co. American
Not on view
Two street views of Broadway appear within a decorative frame of leaves. From left, the top image shows buildings numbered from 349 to 379, with Leonard Street at left, Franklin Street at center and White Street at right. The lower imqge shows buildings numbered from 381 to 405, with White Street at left and Walker Street towards the right. At left are two smaller views of Warren Street. At right are two smaller views of Warren Street. The print centers on a larger image of the City Hospital.
Companies identified on the buildings:
Top row: No. 349: Gurney's Palace of Art; No. 351: American Institute; No. 353: Williams Stevens, Williams & Co., Looking Glasses, Engravings, Art Materials; No. 355: J. Beck & Co., dry goods, wholesale & retail; No. 357-359: Thompson & Sons, Confectioners; No. 363: R. E. Potts, tailors, trimmings, boots, daguerreotyes; No. 369: Richmond, embroidery, laces, &c. ; No. 371: Rattell & Grey, Embroideries & Laces; No. 371: Miller & Grant, Ambrotypes; No. 373: Gosson's Millinery, Dress caps; No. 375: Mrs. Demorest Fashions; No. 375: P. Roberts & Co., Laces & Embroideries; No. 377-379: J. F. Trow, Trade Sale Books, Book & Job Printing; No. 377-379: Leavitt, Dresser & Co., General Auctioneers; No. 379: Leavitt & Allen, Booksellers.
Center right: Warren Street: No. 46: Ingoldsby, Halstead & Co., Hardware, Cutlery, Guns &c.; No. 44: Bruff Bro. & Seaver, Hardward, Cutlery, Guns & Rifles.
Bottom row: Broadway, No. 381: Dana & Co., Publishers, Importers, Booksellers; No. 383: J. W. Leonard & Co., Masonic Publications; No. 383: Latson, Dentist, No. 383: John Morrison, Regalia, Jewels &c., small wares; No. 385: Chambers: Pianos; No. 389: S.S.&W. Wood, Books, Novello's, Sacred Music; No. 391: M.H. Chambers, Jewelry; No. 391 1/2: J. Gilbert, Ladies Caps, Stamped Embroidery; No. 393: Hernstein, Surgical & Dental; No. 393 1/2: Dalrymple, Dress Trimmings; No. 395-397: A.M.& R. Davies, Wholesale, Jewlry, Mantilla & Cloaks; No. 395: W.S. Tarbell, Watches; No. 399: T. T. Green, Druggist; Walker Street, No. 67: T. Felix Gourauds, Italian Medicated Soap; Broadway, No. 403: E. Collamore, French China, Brooklyn buildings numbered