Stockholm, from the series National Flags (N254) issued by P. Lorillard Company
Issued by P. Lorillard Company American
Lithographer George S. Harris & Sons American
Not on view
Trade cards from the series National Flags (N254), issued in 1888 by P. Lorillard Company. Cards show a country, city, or state flag in color. Back: ESTABLISHED 1760./ This Snuff manufactured/ only by us in the oldest/ Snuff factory in the world, has been made in precisely the same way for the past/ 131 years./ Its success has given rise to a host of imitators, who/ by adulterations and artifi-/ cial flavoring, endanger the/ health of consumers. In/ buying, therefore, be sure/ you get the genuine, each/ one ounce package of which/ can be bought for 5 cents./ P. LORILLARD COMPANY./ GEO. S. HARRIS & SONS, LITHO. PHILA.