Lucille from Actresses (N264) issued by P. Lorillard Company to promote Sensation Cut Plug Tobacco
Issued by P. Lorillard Company American
Lithographer Julius Bien American
Not on view
Trade cards from Actresses (N264) (Type 2) issued by P. Lorillard Company in the 1880s to promote Sensation Cut Plug Tobacco. 25 cards in set. Several different types within N264 designation with various lithographers and card backs. Card includes image of an actress, her name, and tobacco brand name on front. Back includes advertising and lithographer's name. Back: TO SMOKERS./ Before putting "SENSATION"/ in your pipe, place it in the/ palm of one hand and roll it/ with the other hand; then pack/ tight in the pipe./ "SENSATION"/ CUT PLUG/ is also a fine/ CHEW/ Beware of imitations! Look for/ the name "SENSATION"/ and our name/ P. Lorillard Company (in script)/ JULIUS BIEN & CO. LITH N.Y.