Sunflower (dwarf) from Language Of Flowers (N366) issued by Lone Jack Cigarette Company to promote Ruby Cigarettes
Issued by The Lone Jack Cigarette Company
Lithographer Isaac Friedenwald
Not on view
From Language Of Flowers or Courtship Made Easy (N366) issued by Lone Jack Cigarette Company for Lone Jack and Ruby Cigarettes. 50 cards in set. Pictured on front of card is a colorful flower and its meaning. Lower edge of card: RUBY CIGARETTES./ Lone Jack/ Cigarette Company./ LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA./ ISAAC FRIEDENWALD LITH. BALTO. Back, printed in blue: LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS/ OR/ COURTSHIP MADE EASY/ One of a series of fifty Flower/ Cards, with its name and appro-/ priate emblem printed thereon, put in each package of RUBY Cigarettes./ Our RUBY CIGARETTE, as the/ name indicates, is a gem (italics) of/ priceless value to the cigarette/ smoker who appreciates a pure (italics)/ and genuine (italics) article, and he/ may rest assured that the Ruby/ Cigarettes are far superior to/ the average brands as the ruby/ of the first water is to the glass/ imitation./ Lone Jack Cigarette Co./ May, 1888.