TGP Mexico, el taller de gráfica popular, doce años de obra artística colectiva (the workshop for popular graphic art, a record of twelve years of collective artistic work)
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An original print divides sections in the book. Alfredo Zalce (Prignitz 1992, no. 795) is found between the first and second chapters, after page XXIV; Arturo Beltrán (Prignitz 1992, no. 796) is found between the second and third chapters, after page 36; Gabriel Fernández Ledesma (Prignitz 1992, no. 797) is found between the third and fourth chapters, after page 130; Leopoldo Méndez (Prignitz 1992, no. 798) is found between the fourth and fifth chapters, after page 144; Francisco Mora (Prignitz 1992, no. 799) is found between the fifth and sixth chapters, after page 150.
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