Title Plate with Triumphal Arch Topped with a Crowned Obelisk, from Desseins d'Arc de Triomphe, part of Œuvres du Sr. D. Marot
Daniel Marot the Elder French
Published by Pierre Husson Dutch
Not on view
Title plate with a triumphal arch at center, flanked by curved wings, each decorated with niches with bust above bas-reliefs. At each side of the arch's passage are pairs of caryatids holding a crowned monogram. Above the arch, an attic painting below an armorial trophy with a figure supporting a globe at center. Through the passage, an equestrian statue can be seen in the background. From a group of five prints belonging to a series of six plates with designs for triumphal arches and city gates. With the exception of the title plate, all of the prints in the first series are numbered in the upper right corner.