Fiore D'Ogni Virtu Per le Nobili Et Honeste Matrone, page 28 (recto)
Designer Isabella Catanea Parasole Italian
Publisher Antonio Fachetti Italian
Not on view
Designed by Isabella Catanea Parasole, Italian, ca. 1575-ca. 1625, published by Antonio Fachetti, Rome.
From top to bottom, and left to right:
Design consists of a central section that is framed on all sides by decorative borders of floral and foliage motifs (the top and bottom borders are divided into 2 parts that are each ornamented with a different pattern). The middle section is decorated with 4 semi-ellipse motifs ornamented with a central flower motif, which sit upon a rectangular base ornamented with an alternating pattern of 2 types of flowers.