Restes du Portique du Temple ou de la Basilique d'Antonin aujourd'huy la Doüane de Terre, from Les Plus Beaux Monuments de Rome Ancienne ou Recueil des plus beaux Morceaux de l'Antiquité Romaine qui existent encore
Not on view
Plate 5, View of the Temple of Hadrian (identified here as the Temple or Basilica of Antoninus Pius). The engraving shows the original surviving colonnade of the temple, set on the Piazza di Pietra, where there are groups of figures at work. Below this plate is a smaller image, titled "D'aprés l'Antique," which shows a female figure holding a lyre and sitting on a rock. These two images appear facing page 9, which starts the portion of text titled "Temple d'Antonin le Pieux," describing the Temple of Hadrian.