Partie d'un Bas relief antique existent dans la cour du Palais Justinien, from Les Plus Beaux Monuments de Rome Ancienne ou Recueil des plus beaux Morceaux de l'Antiquité Romaine qui existent encore
Designed and engraved by Jean Barbault French
Printer Giunchi Heritiers de Komarek Italian
Publisher Bouchard & Gravier Italian
Not on view
Unnumbered plate with fragments of two reliefs, with the front relief showing a seated figure with one leg extended. The fragment in rear shows a weeping figure and two other partial figures. The Palais Justinien mentioned in the title may refer to the Palazzo Giustiniani, which housed an extensive collection of antique works of art, including bas-relief of the type depicted. This image appears below plate 18, View of the Arch of Constantine, and faces page 24, which begins the text describing the Arch.