Amphitheatre Castrense, from Les Plus Beaux Monuments de Rome Ancienne ou Recueil des plus beaux Morceaux de l'Antiquité Romaine qui existent encore
Not on view
Plate 25, View of the Castrense Amphitheater, which appears at the center of the image as part of the Aurelian Walls (identified in the inscription as the Walls of Rome). The Archbasilica of St. John Lateran and St. John's Gate are also visible along the wall in the background. Below this plate is an unnumbered image titled "Ganimede donnant a boire le Nectar a l'Aigle de Jupiter." These two images appear facing page 35, which contains the section of text describing the Amphitheater under the heading "L'amphithéatre du Camp nommé en Latin Castrense."