Conical Gaming Piece from Neferkhawet's Tomb
New Kingdom
A family tomb, established by a man named Neferkhawet, was excavated by the Egyptian Expedition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1935. One of the last people buried in the tomb was a woman whose name was not recorded on any of the objects in the tomb. Inside her wooden coffin was a set of ten gaming pieces, five conical like this one and five spool-shaped. These would have been used to play the games senet and 20-squares. No trace of an accompanying game box was recorded by the excavators. The coffin itself was badly damaged by rot and insects, so remains of a wooden game box may have been indistinguishable from the coffin.
The five conical game pieces are quite uniform in shape, size, and color. Four of the spool-shaped pieces are also quite similar, but the fifth is different enough that it may have been a replacement piece.
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